Friday, March 20, 2020

Los Dreamers y su situación migratoria especial

Los Dreamers y su situacià ³n migratoria especial Uno de los asuntos ms debatidos en materia migratoria es el futuro de los muchachos  denominados Dreamers o soà ±adores. Pero,  ¿quià ©nes son estos jà ³venes y quà © derechos migratorios tienen y cules son los proyectos de ley? Adems, se explica cules son los efectos y las fechas a tener en cuenta con la decisià ³n del presidente Trump de poner fin al programa DACA y cules son las bases de la demanda presentada por 15 estados para paralizar en corte la decisià ³n del gobierno federal. Situacià ³n legal actual El 5 de septiembre de 2017 el Fiscal General de los Estados Unidos, el seà ±or Jeff Sessions, ha anunciado el fin del programa conocido como Accià ³n Diferida o DACA que protegà ­a a los Dreamers frente a la Deportacià ³n y les reconocà ­a la posibilidad de sacar un permiso de trabajo renovable cada 2 aà ±os. Esta proteccià ³n fue creada por orden ejecutiva del presidente Barack Obama en 2012 y que en 5 aà ±os protegià ³ a ms de 800 mil jà ³venes de la deportacià ³n, adems de permitirles otros alivios. El anuncio del seà ±or Sessions NO supone el fin inmediato de DACA, sino que: El programa finalizar con fecha de 5 de marzo de 2018. Mientras tanto, los permisos de trabajo siguen vlidos y los Dreamers con Accià ³n Diferida aprobada estn protegidos frente a posible deportacià ³n.Desde ya NO se admiten solicitudes nuevas para acogerse a este programaSi se tiene  DACA aprobada  y  expira antes del 5 de marzo del 2018 o ese dà ­a, entonces se puede pedir una renovacià ³n, aunque hacerlo antes del 5 de octubre de 2017.Los permisos de trabajo y la proteccià ³n frente a la deportacià ³n otorgada por la accià ³n diferida, todo parece indicar, irn venciendo en la fecha prevista en cada caso. Por ejemplo, si vence con fecha del 6 de julio de 2019, es vlida mientras no llegue ese dà ­a.  Si se tiene aprobado con fecha anterior al 5 de septiembre de 2017 un permiso de advance parole para viajar fuera de los Estados Unidos, entonces se puede viajar. Sin embargo, como este es un asunto muy delicado, se recomienda consultarlo con un abogado o con una organiz acià ³n de apoyo a Dreamers y en caso de duda, no viajar. Si se presentà ³ la solicitud para el advance parole pero todavà ­a no hay respuesta, el USCIS  no lo tramitar pero sà ­ regresar el importe pagado en concepto de cuota.A partir del 5 de septiembre del 2017 no se pueden presentar solicitudes nuevas de advance parole para viajar fuera de los Estados Unidos. En principio  llegado el 5 de marzo  de 2018 los Dreamers podrà ­an  haber comenzado a ser deportados y sus permisos de trabajos dejarà ­an de ser vlidos en las fechas en ellos consignadas. Sin embargo, eso se ha paralizado por orden de una sentencia judicial. Por ahora, los Dreamers que han tenido la accià ³n diferida aprobada pueden seguir solicitando su renovacià ³n. Sin embargo, no pueden salir de Estados Unidos, ni siquiera con advance parole, ni se pueden pedir acciones diferidas nuevas. Demanda de los estados en contra de la decisià ³n de finalizar DACA 15  estados y el Distrito de Columbia  se han sumado para presentar una  demanda  en contra del gobierno federal por la decisià ³n de Trump de finalizar el programa DACA. La demanda, que ha sido presentada en el Distrito Eastern  del estado de Nueva York, est liderada por el fiscal general de ese estado y la de Massachusetts. Adems, se han unido los de Carolina del Norte, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa,  Nuevo Mà ©xico, Oregà ³n, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, Washington y el Distrito de Columbia. Los estados argumentan que la decisià ³n de Trump de finalizar DACA tiene 4 problemas desde el punto de vista legal. Por una parte,  violarà ­a en dos ocasiones la Ley de Procedimiento Administrativo. Adems, por otra parte violarà ­a 2 tipos de protecciones otorgadas por la Constitucià ³n: al  debido  proceso y a la igualdad ante la ley.   Este à ºltimo punto se basa en que la decisià ³n de Trump tiene por objeto perjudicar a un grupo de personas por razones de su origen, ya que cuatro de cada cinco muchachos beneficiados por DACA son  mexicanos o centroamericanos. Se espera una ardua batalla legal en Corte. Propuesta de ley en el Senado Segà ºn el proyecto de ley liderado por los senadores Graham (republicano de Carolina del Sur) y Durbin (demà ³crata de Illinois) los Dreamers podrà ­a sacar la green card si cumplen una serie de requisitos, como por ejemplo, llevar 4 aà ±os o ms en Estados Unidos, haber llegado antes de cumplir los 17aà ±os de edad, tener un rà ©cord limpio, pasar un examen de inglà ©s, haber obtenido el tà ­tulo de high school o equivalente y haber trabajado por 3 aà ±os. Por ahora esto es solo un proyecto de ley y para convertirse en ley tendrà ­a que ser aprobado en la Cmara de Representantes y en el Senado. Esta iniciativa se presentà ³ poco despuà ©s de que el congresista  congresista Luis Gutià ©rrez, tras reunirse con otros miembros del causus Hispano con el Secretario de Seguridad Interna el seà ±or John Kelly, afirmase que tanto los Dreamers como los beneficiarios de los que se conoce como TPS deben prepararse para lo peor. El congresista Gutià ©rrez apuntà ³Ã‚  a la posibilidad real de que tanto el programa DACA para Dreamers como el TPS puedan finalizar, dando paso a deportaciones masivas. Quià ©nes son los muchachos conocidos como Dreamer y en quà © consiste DACA Los Dreamers son aproximadamente 2.1 millones de indocumentados que llegaron a Estados Unidos siendo nià ±os.   Aproximadamente 800  mil  Dreamers se han beneficiado de la accià ³n diferida ordenada el 15 de junio de 2012 por el presidente Obama. Los que tienen este beneficio aprobado: No son  deportadospueden solicitar permiso de trabajo por dos aà ±os, renovable.pueden pedir un Nà ºmero del Seguro Socialpueden sacar la licencia de manejar Para poder acogerse a este beneficio de la accià ³n diferida (DACA, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) hay que cumplir con una serie de requisitos de edad, estancia en Estados Unidos, estudios o servicio en el Ejà ©rcito y no tener rà ©cord penal. Cada dos aà ±os deben renovar DACA para conservar sus beneficios. Asesorà ­a migratoria Estas 13 organizaciones para asesorarse sobre todos los temas que tienen que ver con DACA. Tambià ©n destacar, entre muchas, 2 pginas webs que conviene seguir como como son My Undocumented Live y United We Dream ya que siempre estn a lo à ºltimo en este asunto. Esta à ºltima organizacià ³n es tambià ©n muy combativa defendiendo los derechos de los Dreamers. Otro telà ©fono interesante para buscar asesoramiento es el de la Hispanic Federation, que aunque est basada en Nueva York puede proporcionar ayuda y/o buenas referencias en otros estados. El telà ©fono es el 866-432-9832. Asimismo, y dado el clima actual de incertidumbre, lo ms aconsejable es asesorarse con abogados competentes o asociacià ³n de apoyo a migrantes, particularmente a Dreamers, sobre si existe alguna posibilidad real de regularizacià ³n de la situacià ³n.  Los  caminos para la legalizacià ³n  no son muchos, pero en algunos casos es posible.   Al mismo tiempo es fundamental no caer và ­ctima de fraude por parte de personas sin escrà ºpulos que pueden aprovecharse de la desesperacià ³n de las personas. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

What Is Subrogation Should You Waive It

What Is Subrogation Should You Waive It SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Signing up for car insurance and not sure if it's worth it to pay a premium to waive subrogation? Or maybe you've been in an accident and the other person has offered to settle with you if you sign a waiver of subrogation- should you do it? What is subrogation, really? Before you decide, you'll need to understand what subrogation is and why you would (or wouldn't) want to waive it. In this guide, we define subrogation and explain when and why it occurs to help you make an informed decision. What Is Subrogation? In layman’s terms, subrogation occurs when Person A owes something (usually money) to Person B, and Person C steps in and legally takes Person B’s place (including the rights to what Person A owed to Person B). An example would be if you owed money to a loan company and someone else bought your debt. The person who bought your debt could then use subrogation to have you pay them back the debt (even though you didn’t borrow any money from this person originally). Here’s the more technical subrogation definition: â€Å"The substitution of one person in the place of another with reference to a lawful claim, demand or right so that he who is substituted succeeds to the rights of the other in relationship to the debt or claim, and its rights, remedies, or securities.† (source: Black's Law Dictionary) You’re most likely to encounter subrogation when dealing with insurance claims, but it can also crop up in situations with guarantors (like co-signers of a lease or a loan). How Does Subrogation Work? Because the most common place people encounter subrogation is in dealing with car insurance, I’ll explain it through an example of a car insurance claim. Let’s say you're driving along the highway one day and you get into an accident with another driver. One of your brake lights is cracked, your rear bumper is hanging off one side, and you need a new paint job. To pay for the repairs to your car, you file a claim to your insurance company with the other driver’s insurance information and cross your fingers. If your insurance company determines the other party was at fault, they’ll pay the claim to cover the damage (minus your deductible). You get your car repaired, and your life goes on as usual. Behind the scenes, however, your insurance company will seek to recover their costs from the other party’s insurance company (or if that’s not possible, from the other party). It is the right of subrogation that allows your insurer to seek to recoup the money that they paid out to you in the claim from the at-fault party. For the most part, the only involvement you'll have in this whole process is if your insurance company chooses to pursue subrogation. If they do, they’re legally obligated to inform you and attempt to recover the cost of your deductible as part of the money they're seeking from the at-fault party. If your insurance company does pursue subrogation, they'll require you to cooperate with their subrogation attempt. Among other things, this means that you likely won’t be permitted to sign a waiver of subrogation after an accident or claim. What Is a Waiver of Subrogation? A waiver of subrogation means that you give up your right to have another party (usually your insurance company) attempt to recover what a third party owes you. Let's return to the example of car insurance for a moment. Most insurance contracts forbid you from signing a waiver of subrogation after you’ve already filed a claim. You may be able to sign one in advance of any accident if your insurance allows for adding waiver of subrogation endorsements to existing policies. If you do this, however, your insurance company might charge you an extra premium to try and minimize their losses that way. By signing a waiver of subrogation, you waive your car insurer’s right to try to recover their costs (including the cost of your deductible). You’re most likely to come across waiver of subrogation clause after an accident if the at-fault party in the accident or their insurance company attempts to settle with you directly (without going through your insurance company). They’ll want you to sign a waiver of subrogation so that they’re not at risk of being hit up twice for the same incident (once from you, once from your car insurance pursuing subrogation). In most cases, your own car insurance will require you to notify them if you’ve decided to sign a waiver of subrogation (just as they have to notify you if they opt to pursue subrogation against the at-fault party or their insurance). That way, your insurance company won’t waste time and legal fees trying to get back money the at-fault party already paid out to you. Should You Sign a Waiver of Subrogation? While signing a waiver of subrogation can save you the hassle of lawsuits and dealing with insurance claims, it also means you’re far less likely to be able to recover any non-out-of-pocket costs (like all or part of your deductible). If you let your insurance company pursue subrogation, they become responsible for all the legal fees and paperwork and hassle- all you have to do is wait and see if they’re successful in recovering any of your deductible. Therefore, you should be very cautious about signing a waiver of subrogation clause, either in your car insurance contract or for a settlement after an accident. Not only might it be forbidden if you’ve already filed an insurance claim and didn’t have a waiver of subrogation signed with your insurance company before, but it could also mean that you end up with a smaller payment than you would otherwise. The only reasons to consider signing a waiver of subrogation are if: you have sizeable out-of-pocket costs that you’re hoping to recover (since your insurance company can only pursue subrogation for costs they’re responsible for), OR you believe you’ll be able to get a more favorable settlement than your insurance company would Even in these cases, however, be aware that if you sign a waiver of subrogation after the accident, your insurance might refuse to pay all or some of your claim (making it imperative that you win your suit against the at-fault party or their insurance). Other Kinds of Subrogation Aside from dealing with car insurance, you might encounter subrogation claims in a few other situations. Subrogation will most often be at issue when it comes to various types of insurance, including homeowners’ insurance- and health insurance-related subrogation claims, but it can occur with contracts of any sort. In the next couple of sections, we'll discuss the other two most common ways you'll come across subrogation in your day-to-day life: health insurance and student loan repayment. Health Insurance Subrogation For health insurance, subrogation most often comes up in the context of personal injury lawsuits. If you successfully sue another party for medical damages, your health insurance will often make a claim for part of your settlement through their right of subrogation. This might seem strange at first, but it turns out there’s a good (and in most cases, fair) reason for this. As with car insurance, when you sign up for health insurance, part of what you agree to is that the health insurance company will pay your claims on the condition that it has the right to seek reimbursement for your claims from whoever is responsible. When you go to the doctor’s office, you’re the responsible party, which is why you pay your premiums and have a co-pay. When it comes to a situation where you’ve been injured in an accident by a third party and have successfully won a suit against them, however, this changes- that third party is now responsible for your medical bills. If your health insurance company is to get reimbursed at all for your medical expenses, it must be from that third party’s payment to you. They can’t claim it from the third party themselves – otherwise, you’d be getting doubly reimbursed (your medical bills paid by the insurance company + the settlement from the third party), and the third party would be getting doubly charged, which is against the law. So while it might seem unfair that your health insurance company gets part of the settlement, it makes sense. The good news is that you won’t have to pay more than the insurer would pay for the same services. For instance, if a hospital charges $2,000 for a lab test connected to your treatment but your insurance company only has to pay $400, you would only owe the insurance company $400 out of your settlement. Student Loan Subrogation Currently, the federal government offers direct student loans, which means the loans are offered directly through and guaranteed against default by the Department of Education. If you took out a federal student loan before 2010, however, your loan would have been guaranteed by a separate student loan guarantor agency. If your loan involves a guarantor of any kind, it could be subrogated if the agency that originally guaranteed your loan you sells off your loans to a third party. The most common case where this occurs is when the Department of Education buys back a loan from one of these agencies. Unless it is otherwise prohibited by law or the loan contract you originally signed, the Department of Education can then step into the shoes of the original student loan guarantor agency to collect the loan back from you, even if you had defaulted on the loan. Besides causing you the financial burden of having to pay back a defaulted student loan, student loan subrogation will also have a negative impact on your credit score. Because the subrogation means that you now technically owe money to someone new (even though you haven’t taken out a new loan), your defaulted loan will reappear on your credit history and cause your credit score to drop. Subrogation Claims: The Bottom Line You can define subrogation as what happens when you owe something (usually money) to one entity and a second entity steps into the shoes of the first entity to collect what’s owed. Subrogation most often comes up in the context of car insurance claims, but it can be pursued under other circumstances as well, including health insurance claims and student loan repayment. In the context of insurance, you might be able to sign a waiver of subrogation endorsement before any issues arise for an additional premium. If you try to sign a waiver of subrogation afterwards, however, you might end up having your insurance claim partially or totally rejected. If you have a defaulted loan that gets subrogated, it will reappear on your credit report after subrogation because you now owe money to someone new What’s Next? Carrying a lot of student loan debt and not sure what the best way to pay it off is? Learn when and how to consolidate your student loans. If you have a bad credit score, what are your credit card options? Read our comprehensive list of the best unsecured credit cards for people with bad credit here.